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theoretical problem solving

the relationship between Max and Gemma 

The issue: The issue here was the relationship between Max and Gemma, these are the two main characters. Their relationship originally started as friends however when thinking about the time my film is set in, it didn't seem right to have friends in another friends room. Having that would take away from the state of isolation they have been stuck in. I really wanted to portray an at home feeling while having these characters able to interact and look good next to each other, however this would be tricky to make sense in the state of corona.

WHAT DID I DO: Therefore I looked into articles and viewed the different kinds of relationships they could have with one another. The first being friends. This would explain how they can talk about emotions and anything they are feeling whilst being protective for one another. However this does not support the time in which I am trying to present as they would be interacting with one another, unless they were in a bubble but this would have to be actively shown. They could also have a carer relationship with one another, however this wouldn't portray the covid time much like the friends relationship, I would have to think about a lot more such as masks and actually looking into the covid terms and if this would be allowed. I also feel this would take away from the covid effect. The other status they could have is a sibling relationship which would make a lot more sense in the world of covid, however this would mean trying to create a diverse difference between these two characters and the figure to highlight the similarity between Gem and Max.

CONCLUSION: In the end I decided to go with the sister relationship. This is because it would make a lot more sense when we are looking at the time of Covid19. They would be allowed together in a household in the peak of times ad because of this would share a special relationship from being together for so long and being able to only see each other. The only problem here was making sure they somewhat look like each other. I emphasised this by making the figure very different from the other actors. It would have been difficult to match them completely well but I think I did okay. Costuming is something I would like to work on. Below is what the actors look like all together. I made Sam Gemma so she would appear older with the piercings, dyed hair and more exaggerated makeup. I think the blue jeans with black on top also helps to link these two characters together.

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